Thursday, July 30, 2009

i dig

this dude's sense of humor
(anonymous chalk art in my neighborhood)

dear kurt vonnegut,

i got so sad today reading your book "a man without a country" because i realized that there won't be anymore of your insight on the world i live in. this revelation made me wish i was born 80 years ago so i could have read along while you wrote. when time travel gets invented i'll see you in 1922.

 note to everyone: PICK UP THIS BOOK and every other piece of anything he's ever written.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

5 dollar bets

sunday dim sum brunch in chinatown
(some of the toughest judges for 5 dollar bets i've seen)

Friday, July 24, 2009

spoiled rotten

a night in


downward dog (too obvious?)

(he was sleeping in this position for a good half hour)
i was sitting at a cafe today and fell in love.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

abra kadabra

(this is a special one for you)

red, white and blue with an accent

my version of 4th of July, celebrated 10 days late, included a surprise wake up call at 8am of military jets cruising by the apartment from the champs elysee (doing an airshow, at 8am, ofcourse) and a very respectable, almost dangerously long, show of fireworks shooting from the eiffel tower.

JULY 14th

independence day in paris

elevator music on the seine

i bet no one else has ever taken a photo of their bateaux mouches dinner cruise meal to "remember" it.



pop's 20 ft "wall" moved so slowly that most people at the opening never doubted that it wasn't a regular wall.

our very own treasure chest

"tell your american friends about us. But only if they're in Vienna on a Thursday between 2 and 6pm"
"hm interesting hours for this 'store' of yours"
"well we're too rich too work, so we come here on thursdays to drink beer and smoke cigarettes."
highlights: 40's portraits of very austrian women, thousands of old austrian books, nazsi documents, a giant keyring with old skeleton keys and much, much more.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

a tasteful team

meathook's austrian map reading skills got us on a tram to wahring cemetery

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


a side of fried chicken too please
(i stuck to icecream and cake in vienna)

musee kubelka

the whole famdamnly on a tour of kubelkas numerous collections (a highlight being, a shelf for rocks resembling vaginas).
 GRAND FINALE: a 15 minute tibetan gong performance
definitely set the tone for our time spent in vienna

sea sick from baguettes

the perfect place to forget you're in paris

a word from jacques

"la vie sans filles, ce n'est pas la vie"


or as close to what i imagine it to be.
(the torr organic dairy farm on the coast of southern scotland)


 life has been a bit of a blur lately but i wouldn't have it any other way

Monday, July 20, 2009

homage to my grandma sally

this is my grandma sally. she's jewish. she doesn't make this face all of the time.

Pronunciation: \kə-ˈmiŋ-gəl, kä-\
transitive verb
1 : to blend thoroughly into a harmonious whole
2 : to combine (funds or properties) into a common fund or stock
intransitive verb
: to become commingled